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OuterNerd Designs

Call to Arms - 2024

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At OuterNerd, we understand the thrill of diving into the digital realms of video games, immersing ourselves in the captivating world of anime, following the enigmatic odyssey of The Doctor, and savoring every heroic moment in the Marvel universe. From a young age, I’ve treasured these passions and cherished the belief that every individual should revel in their true selves without reservation.

This foundational philosophy gave birth to our name, "OuterNerd." It embodies the celebration of unabashedly embracing one's inner geek and wearing it as a badge of honor. We advocate for a world where every individual can proudly showcase their unique interests and experiences without fear or hesitation.

So, whether you're a seasoned gamer, an avid anime enthusiast, a devout follower of The Doctor's adventures, or a die-hard Marvel aficionado, OuterNerd is here to celebrate and uplift your passion for all things nerdy. Let's unleash the inner nerd and revel in the vibrant tapestry of our geeky selves together!
